Commercial Media Arts

The Commercial Media Arts (CMA) course is structured on a trimester basis, with a fee of Php 40,000.00 per semester. Scholarships are available only to fully enrolled students and can be deducted from their semester fees. Two instalment payment options are available per semester. Please find the link to the Google Form for student applications below. Follow the attached instructions to complete your application.

Browse through all the sections of the form to learn more about the course details, requirements, and materials needed for the class. Some questions require a response. Click on "NOT APPLICABLE" box if you want to move on to the next section or not interested to enroll in a particular class.


  • At least High School Graduate
  • Passed Creative Entrance Exam
  • For online classes, the students must have the required equipment, materials, internet access to be able to learn properly ONLINE.


  • Photo of PSA/NSO Birth Certificate
  • HS or College Diploma or Form 137 or Transcript of Record
  • Portfolio/Sample drawings
  • Complete computer setup with drawing tools and stable internet access for online classes

The fee for the Qualifying Online Creative Exam is Php 500.00. Exam results will be emailed within 7 days after you complete the online exam. Please note that the Creative Online Exam is timed. If you do not upload your test within the specified time frame provided in the link, you will automatically fail.

For the scheduling of entrance exam, please contact us:

Email: [email protected]
Landline: +632-84032419
Mobile: 0998-8580543

Go to Form


Payments for Exam Fees and Reservations can be made in-person at our office or through bank transfer. Please contact our admin, and send payment slips/receipts at [email protected]. Only pay for exam fees once you’ve submitted your applications.


Marie Grace Dimaranan


Philippine National Bank

Top Peg Animation & Creative Studio Inc.